In 1981, Hasbro produced their first ponies featuring bright manes and tails and unique 'cutie marks' on their rumps. To continue their popularity, Hasbro released 'Rescue at Midnight Castle' as a pilot of their upcoming TV show.
MLP & Me
I was first introduced to My Little Pony in around 2011, at 3 years old, when Generation 4 began. My parents tell me that it was a friend of theirs that first showed it to me, but the earliest memory I have of watching it is plugging in the Ipad to the ancient TV and watching Friendship is Magic through Netflix. In October 2023, I made a full chronological list of all MLP media, and since then I have been watching in order from 1983 onwards.
Generations of Ponies
Friendship is Magic
The most well known generation, beginning in 2010 & created by Lauren Faust, was the longest running generation of MLP to this day. It ran for 10 years with 221 episodes and ~5 movies.
Twilight Sparkle
The element of Magic, Twilight is the main character and princess of friendship
Pinkie Pie
The element of Laughter, Pinkie is a fun loving party pony!
The element of Honesty. AppleJack is a brave, hard working farm pony, who is very set in her ways.
The element of Generosity, Rarity is a stylish pony who runs a boutique in PonyVille.
The element of Kindness, Fluttershy is a shy and timid pony.
Rainbow Dash
The element of Loyalty, Dash is very competitive and confident.
While Spike does not represent an element of Harmony, he is a Twilight's assistant and longest friend.