100 Questions to a Lolita

1) Please tell us your screen name, date of birth, and origin.

Online I go by Tabby or bizlyfan, July 29 2008! I'm from the PNW in the US

2) What is your height, weight, clothing size, and shoe size?

I'm 5'3, I would rather not share my weight, but I tend to wear size S and 8/9 US women's shoes!

3) What made you start doing Lolita fashion?

I started wearing Lolita clothing after I made my first dress, I wanted to embrace my younger self and reclaim pink and girly-ness for myself

4) What is your favorite Lolita genre?

Sweet Lolita of course!

5) Do you have any particular commitment to that genre, or your own definition of it?

To me, sweet Lolita is pastels and candy prints

6) Do you have your ears pierced? How many piercings?

I do! I have 2 peircings on each ear, I also have a septum peircing!

7) What is your favorite brand?

Angelic Pretty and Alice & The Pirates

8) What is your favorite outfit?

I like to wear my cupcake JSK (homemade)

9) Lolita How many friends do you have?

None, sadly!

10) What is the best thing about doing Lolita?

How confident I feel wearing my poofy dresses!

11) On the contrary, what is the worst thing?

I get a lot of weird looks from my peers & occasionally people will ask 'who I'm cosplaying' which bothers me

12) What is your favorite magazine?

Lolita Bible! and FRUiTS

13) Headdress group? Team Bonnet? Team Headbow?

I like to wear headdresses!

14) Do you have bloomers?

Of course ^_^! Though I definetly want more...

15) Do you tie your headdress in front? or are you on the team that ties it behind your head?

I always tie it in the front! I've tried to tie it behind my head but it always falls off (◞‸◟;)

16) Do you have a favorite music genre or band?

I really like Kpop, Shoegaze and silly music.. Right now I have the Pitch Perfect soundtrack on repeat

17) What is your mobile phone ringtone?

I think it's the basic Apple ringtone, though if I figured out how to make it a song I would have the My Little Pony theme

18) Do you go to lives in Lolita?

Not usually, I went to a BandMaid concert a few years ago in Gothic Lolita though!

19) For those who go to lives, do you headbang?

It depends on the concert! Usually I'm too busy filming to headbang (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ I have a tendency to forget concerts if I don't get photos

20) What color do you like?


21) What are your hobbies?

I like to code, sew, and play video games

22) Please tell me if you have a favorite perfume.

I ADORE the Strawberry Shortcake Body Mist from Bath and Body Works! I feel like a cupcake when I wear it

23) Is there anything you say “I’m careful about this” when it comes to lolita?

I'm very cautious about ripping my tights while I'm out in Lolita!

24) Where are the places you visit / hang out at frequently?

I like to visit Antique stores and the thrift store near me :D

25) How many times a week do you wear Lolita?

To be honest, less often than I'd like to.. maybe once or twice

26) Please tell us the most embarrassing episode you had when you were a beginner in Lolita fashion.

I didn't have the proper footwear for a long time and so I wore UGGS with my dresses (ᵕ—ᴗ—) So embarassing!!

27) What is your hairstyle and color now?

I have a sort of Hime cut that is hot pink with blue ends!!

28) How long have you been in Lolita?

I think I was first introduced to it around 2019, so only about 5 years!

29) Do you have a dedicated lolita storage space?

Nope! My dresses are mixed in with my 'normal' clothes

30) Have you ever thought about leaving Lolita? If so, why?

My Sophomore year of High School I was very embarassed to wear Lolita to school, but I definetly didn't plan on leaving

31) What is your motto?

Don't pay attention to what other people think

32) What are your dreams for the future?

I hope to go to fashion college in Japan and become a famous fashion designer

33) “This person would definitely look good on Lolita!” Are there any celebrities you think that about?

I think Anok Yai would look gorgous and I feel like Elle Fanning would as well ^__^

34) Please tell us the item with the most memories and those memories.

My cupcake JSK, it was the first item I made on my own

35) What was the first item you got?

This is so embarassing, but my first dress was a black OP from Amazon

36) Do you have a signature pose for taking a picture?

Sticking out my tongue or making my eyes look huge with a peace sign!

37) What is the “Bible” of your heart? (Like what Books, magazines, CDs, etc. represent your inner self)

Pretty much any Shoujo manga, especially Strobe Edge

38) How many centimeters tall is the highest heel you have?

I have a pair of black heeled boots that are probably 16cm tall

39) Have you ever worn a tiara?

Not in a long time! I would love to buy one nowadays though

40) Do you want to be a prince once in a while? What kind of prince? Dark system? Hakubakei?

I'm pretty content being a Princess!

41) What kind of lace do you like?

I like knitted and embroidered lace ^_^

42) Do you own a (ball jointed) doll? Those who have them are usually so enthusiastic about them!

I don't but I really want one! They're just so expensive... I have a lot of other dolls though, a lot of monster high and mlp!

43) What’s inside your lolita bag right now?

I don't have a designated Lolita bag, but I always bring an extra lipstick and my Tamagotchi Uni with me!

44) What is your favorite flower?

Tulips and lily of the valley!

45) What is your favorite accessory right now?

I have been wearing a necklace with and Ankh on it lately, and its my favorite piece of jewelry I own!

46) Please tell us your favorite / recommended cosmetics.

I tend to use the cheapest makeup I can find, my favorite blush is my ELF cream blush & my favorite eyeshadow palette is by colorgram!

47) Bright eyes are the hallmark of being a doll! So do you use false eyelashes? If you have any tips on how to use them, please let me know.

I usually do if I'm dressed in Lolita, but I don't think I can give any advice on using them because I have a hard time doing them myself

48) What is your particular eye makeup style?

I tend to do douyin makeup, I use a lot of pale pink and glitter!

49) Is your lipstick red? Blue? black? pink?


50) What color do you often use for nail polish?

Usually my nails are bare, but when I do do them, I like sparkly polishes and pastel colours!

51) Have you ever changed your clothes in the toilet at the train station?

ꉂ(≧▽≦) I don't think I have, no, we don't have train stations where I live!

52) Have you ever twinned with another Lolita? impression?

I haven't but I'd love to!

53) What are you doing to keep in shape? Recommendations?

I never go to the gym, usually just walking around my school campus is enough to keep me fit

54) Are you calm when alone in lolita? (ヒトリでロリータ、平気?)

It depends on where I am, if I'm downtown I feel a lot more vulnerable but if I'm shopping or at school I feel very calm and confident!

55) How much do you spend on lolita each month?

I don't buy new Lolita clothing very often, but I do spend a lot on fabric and lace to sew!

56) Did you have any time lag between learning about Lolita fashion and actually doing it or resistance to starting?

Definetly.. when I first discovered Lolita I was pretty young and I didn't have any money to buy clothing, and my parents didn't think it was a good idea/that it was too expensive. It took me a few years, probably until 2021, to actually make my first dress.

57) What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought? (In relation to Lolita)

I spent about 100$ at the fabric store a month ago just for basic materials..

58) Lolita really costs money, doesn’t it? How do you pay for Lolita?

Usually my clothing is secondhand or homemade so the cost is very low, when I had a job I was able to buy a lot more.

59) Just here. How much is the total cost you have spent so far?

Probably around 500$ over the years

60) Is there a store you would like to see nearby?

I would like to see more Angelic Pretty stores in the US, maybe one in Seattle!

61) Just between us, is there a store that makes you say: ‘that’s a rip-off!’?

Cheaply made fabric or dresses without lining, I see them often at curated vintage shops for obscene prices and often the items look like they came from Amazon

62) Have you ever used an online shop? If you have, please give us some advice on the good points and bad points. If you haven’t, tell us why not.

I haven't bought from any official Lolita shops online, due to high shipping prices

63) Just between us, even if you want to keep it your own secret, what’s an indie brand that makes you go “this is exactly my style”.

My own brand ( ꈍ◡ꈍ) Princess YOU!

64) Absolutely out of reach! But I want it! Do you have any brands or products like that for you?

A lot of old Angelic Pretty pieces, specifically the Melty Cream Donut OP

65) What do you do with your tired old clothes?

Usually I try to repair as much as I can, but if I can't or an item doesn't fit anymore I donate it!

66) What was the most recent lolita and non lolita item of clothing you bought?

Most recently I purchased fabric and made a pink lolita blouse, and I also got a cute pastel mint sweater a few weeks ago!

67) What is something you missed out on that you’ll never see again, but you can’t forget?

The Candy Border OTKs from 2021, I LOVE them so much but I could never buy a pair of socks secondhand, so I know they're out of reach

68) What do you think of dressing as a Lolita only during live performances?

I think it depends on the authenticity of the wearer, if they know the proper ways to wear Lolita but only feel comfortable in it onstage, I can understand that!

69) What do you think of No-Makeup-Lolita?

Perfectly fine! I don't believe that makeup is a defining characteristic of Lolita, and some people prefer not to wear makeup due to sensitivities!

70) You suddenly meet another person totally wearing Lolita! What do you do?

If I'm wearing Lolita as well, I'd compliment their outfit! But if not I'd probably be embarassed, because they look cooler than me!

71) How old is a Lolita allowed to be?

1 Million years old!

72) Under what conditions do you think Lolita should graduate? (You can answer ‘continue forever’)

There is no age range for lolita!!!

73) Stop this! Are there any things no one should do in Lolita fashion?

A big nono to me is wearing fishnets or cat ears. It makes Lolita look like cosplay

74) Do you have a specific sense of what a perfect Lolita should be?

I really think the most important thing is to feel comfortable, but I usually consider a coord Lolita if they look poofy like a cupcake!

75) Other than what you said 73, what is something you wish people wouldn’t do?

I wish people wouldn't add '-core' to the end of Lolita styles or relate the style to the book with the same name.

76) What do you think about Lolita fashion for men?

I think anyone should dress however they like!

77) Have you changed in any way since you started Lolita?

I genuinely believe being a Lolita has made me nicer, I feel more considerate to other people clothing choices and a lot more confident!

78) What do the people around you say about you wearing Lolita? Do you accept it?

I usually don't have comments from other people, but I definetly get weird or confused looks. I do love to answer questions when people ask!

79) What kind of lolita fashion do you do in the hot summer months?

Generally I wear thinner fabrics but I don't have a lot of options at the moment!

80) Do you go to school or work in Lolita?

School yes, as I don't have uniforms or a strict dress code.

81) What is your usual outfit style?

Outside of Lolita I usually dress in Gyaru and Pastel Goth or Fairy Kei!

82) Do you have any objections to second-hand goods?

Only if they're overpriced!

83) Do you have a boyfriend (or husband)? Does he understand?

Yes! My boyfriend loves my dresses and thinks they're very cute

84) Please tell us your ideal male image.

My boyfriend!

85) What kind of person is the Lolita who left the biggest impression on you?

I don't really know any other Lolita's personally, but I have a lot of bloggers who have inspired me

86) Have you ever made your own clothes? What kind of clothes is it?

Yes, lots! Usually Lolita clothing, but I've made lots of other things like blouses and various dresses

87) Have you ever made an accessory yourself? What did you make?

I've made multiple headdresses, and some big bows! I would really like to make some jewelry soon.

88) This thing I made was a great success! Is there anything you feel that way about?

My most recent blouse! It is probably my best work, I will definetly make a coord with it soon.

89) Tell us if you have an ideal Lolita outfit or coordination.

I would love the wear the Angelic Pretty Melody Toys JSK with some candy striped tights, a white lacey blouse, gummy jewelry from AP, and a parasol!

90) Is there anyone you admire? What kind of person are they?

I really admire Kanae Higashi, the creator of the brand rurumu! Her works are not all lolita but her designs are incredible!

91) You can date any person for just one day. The other person will also dress however you want. Who is it and what kind of date?

Well, I would stay with my boyfriend of course, but I'd love to dress him up in gyaruo, I think it would suit him very well! I'd like to go on a shopping date where he pays for everything ꉂꉂ(ᵔᗜᵔ*)

92) What kind of store would you like to have if you were to open one in the future?

My brand I'm working on right now, Princess YOU! is Lolita oriented. I hope to one day open my own store of original designs!

93) When looking at lolita, your eyes will go straight to this motif. What is it?

Sweets, stripes, and Bunnies!!

94) Do you want your child to be a Lolita too?

If I have children I wouldn't have a preference for the way they dress, as long as it isn't offensive or uncomfortable to them.

95) How much can I spend on one Lolita outfit?

As much as I want! If I have the money..

96) This is quintessentially Lolita! Is there a certain gesture that makes you think this.

Dressing up for a tea party!!

97) I want to wear that once in my life! Do you ever think that about any style other than lolita?

I would love to wear a traditional Rococo or Victorian dress

98) Looking at your Lolita collection or style, what one word would you use to sum it up?


99) What is your ideal Lolita image?

I don't think one!

100) Thank you very much! Please give us your impression of answering 100!

I enjoyed it! It took me almost an entire school day to answer ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و